Sheila Jasanoff participated in an online panel entitled
“(Mis)trust in Science and Elites” on February 25. The event was organized by the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and was part of a speaker series on Society, Science, and Policy: Lessons from the Coronavirus Pandemic. The series seeks to strengthen understanding of the changing cultural and societal context of science in the United States and other nations and explore the implications for science-based policies, scientific careers, and scientific cooperation. You can watch the event
Sheila Jasanoff participated in an online panel entitled “(Mis)trust in Science and Elites” on February 25. The event was organized by the American Friends of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and was part of a speaker series on Society, Science, and Policy: Lessons from the Coronavirus Pandemic. The series seeks to strengthen understanding of the changing cultural and societal context of science in the United States and other nations and explore the implications for science-based policies, scientific careers, and scientific cooperation. You can watch the event here.