
Team Members

Sidrotun Naim

IPMI International Business School

During the course of the current pandemic of COVID-19, Sidrotun Naim has contributed in providing policy recommendation to the Office of the President of Indonesia, the Vice Minister of State-Owned Enterprise, the Governor of West Java, and the Mayor of Surabaya. She has appeared on various national media, sharing to the public about issues around COVID-19. An active member of KawalCovid19, crowdsourced database and information with high accuracy, from the public and for the public, Naim is also a volunteer for the Phase-3 Clinical Trial for CovaVac in Bandung, West Java. A microbiologist (aquaculture and medical) trained at the University of Arizona and Harvard Medical School, Naim has secondary interests in science policy, also leadership and decision sciences after her study at Harvard Kennedy School.

Febby Widjayanto

Airlangga University

Febby Widjayanto developed an interest in the field of Science, Technology and Society (STS) since she was formally trained in the discipline of politics and development studies at Global Development Institute, University of Manchester. She has got herself conversant with the discourse around the making of science, democracy and public policy that shape her perspective in understanding COVID-19 pandemics as an issue with complex multidimensionality. Her grasp in such areas of study has helped articulate her opinion published on International Policy Digest, to give the wider audience outside Indonesia a sense about how the country managed the COVID-19 crisis. She is also a contributing writer in a book titled Humanity at the Time of Corona Outbreak published by Indonesia’s major publishing company, Balai Pustaka.

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