Sheila Jasanoff gave the keynote of the OECD Global Science Forum (GSF) workshop, Scientific advice in crises: Lessons learned from COVID-19, on March 3. The event was part of a project on mobilizing science in response to crises. Titled
Comparative Covid Response: crisis, knowledge, politics, Jasanoff’s presentation outlined the CompCoRe project and its key findings. The event can be viewed here. Sheila Jasanoff gave the keynote of the OECD Global Science Forum (GSF) workshop, Scientific advice in crises: Lessons learned from COVID-19, on March 3. The event was part of a project on mobilizing science in response to crises. Titled Comparative Covid Response: crisis, knowledge, politics, Jasanoff’s presentation outlined the CompCoRe project and its key findings. The event can be viewed here.